Unleash Your Best with Our Coaching Packages
Ben offers bespoke running and triathlon coaching and training plans in a number of packages. From full unlimited contact 1 to 1 coaching with weekly plans to a personalised one off training plan to get you to your race in peak condition.
1 to 1 Coaching Prices - Start from £150 per month
Bespoke Race Plans - Start from £80
There are a number of options and you can contact me directly at thismessyhappy@gmail.com
So why Ben and Mary? Ben has been coaching athletes for nearly 20 years - with a ‘Sports Science & Professional Coaching’ degree Ben continued his education with qualifications to coach in numerous sports to a high level. But importantly he achieved the highly sought after Triathlon Level 3 High Performance Coach qualification in 2017 enabling him to coach Running and Triathlon to the highest level. And with Mary also having a Sports Science degree and the renowned and accredited UESCA Running Coach Qualification what’s not to like! Oh, and how about a combined 40 years in education?! As Teachers and Coaches. Convinced you yet?